commandDetermines how the command will be executed. When left empty defaults to CommandType.Native.
completionDefines a custom completion for this nca command.
descriptionThe nca command description. It is showed when using the help command or when providing wrong/unrecognized input.
Set internally. Allows commands and completionPaths to be used with relative paths.
The name that will be used to recall the command.
optionsOptions passed down to this nca command and its subCommands.
positionalPositional arguments passed down to this nca command and its sub commands.
Considered only when NcaCommand.commandType value is CommandType.Native. When set to true, the program will receive the positional arguments like options (i.e. --myParam myParamValue).
When set to true, the command execution directory will be changed to the one where its yaml configuration is located.
subSub commands, used to define a more complex command structure.
The command to run when the nca command is called. Its execution mode will depend on a shell command on NcaCommand.commandType value. It can be left empty when NcaCommand.subCommands are defined.